
Nursing Manager Skill Inventory Tool

Nursing Manager Skill Inventory Tool

Inventory tools are used by nurse managers to review and rate themselves in every content area using an appropriate scale.  The supervisor of a nurse manager uses the same procedure in rating nurse managers in their specific roles. The two then meet to discuss their assessment and any variations in perceptions are discussed and suggestions for improvement are made. This inventory tool has become the basis for nursing career planning and delineation of professional targets. This is a self reflection paper which identifies strengths and weaknesses related to four content areas. It discusses how the current leadership skill could be used to promote change in the workplace.

Identification of strengths and weaknesses

Personal and professional accountability

This entails evaluation of personal development through educational training, career planning, action plans and self assessment. Ethical behavior and nursing practice that support standards of nursing are assessed as well as involvement in professional associations and certification in suitable fields and specialty. In terms of personal and professional accountability, the ratings were high reflecting my competence in nursing management. I have been engaged in career advancement and other relevant training to improve professional competence. Adhering to nursing ethics at all times and being a member of a professional body enhanced my professional accountability and career development (NMLC, 2004).

Career planning

Career planning entails evaluation of the roles of a nurse manager, both job description and requirements and these are compared with the current level of nursing practice. It also involves future planning to determine where the manager is headed in terms of career growth and development and the resources required to reach career targets. The nursing manager’s positioning in terms of career path by being flexible and able to change to suit in the future scenarios. As nursing manager, I understand the roles of nursing managers and have always achieved my targets and these are strengths. Planning in line with nursing has been conducted but absence of key resources has hindered realization of some objectives (NMLC, 2004).

Personal journey disciplines

This refers to skills and knowledge necessary for managing councils to enhance shared leadership. It also includes techniques for solving problems and making appropriate decisions as well as reflective performance which entails active practice of reflection as a leadership behavior. Problem solving skills are necessary for any manager and this is my strength. I have engaged in shared leadership to maximize the human resource potential in an organization through empowering of workers and promoting them into leadership positions (NMLC, 2004).

Reflective practice reference behavior

These are tenets and guidelines that are developed and used in guiding personal reflection of one’s leadership behaviors. They are attributes of effective leaders such as integrity and appreciation of diversity and environmental ambiguity. A leader must be able to work with people from all races, religion, sexual orientation and gender as well as dissenting voices and differences in all kinds. Discovery of employee and business potential and holding different views from stakeholders for decision making is required of any leader in this dynamic environment. Creating a conducive learning environment, nurturing the intellectual to enhance knowledge, keeping commitment and using reflective learning in available work are used to facilitate reflective practice. These skills can be used to advocate for change in the nursing environment (NMLC, 2004).

Application of skills to advocate for change

Organizational change demands a change agent to possess several skills necessary for implementing change programs. Some key skills that I possess necessary to bring about organizational change include planning skills, leadership skills, excellent communication skills, interpersonal skills, flexibility in responding to changes, negotiation skills, networking skills and tolerance to ambiguity in an uncertain environment. Planning for change requires a strategic plan to guide the change process and this entails good planning skills. This helps in putting in place the required resources, the objectives of change program and strategies (June, 2011).

Leadership skills are necessary in rallying the workers behind the change project being advocated. A good leader has the ability to influence people into accepting the change to ensure their support and commitment. Communication skills are necessary in transmitting the change message to colleagues and subordinates. This information includes the importance of change and new tasks and responsibilities for implementing the change project. Interpersonal skills are of high essence at this planning stage for selecting, listening and collecting necessary information, managing change meetings and identifying any concerns from stakeholders (June, 2011).

Negotiation skills are very crucial in bringing organizational change through selling of the change ideas and plans to others. Negotiating with key players for resources and procedures needed to implement change, and methods for resolving conflicts. Networking is necessary in developing and maintaining relevant contacts in the organization and with the external environment. Flexibility is essential in responding to changes in the environment through shifting of goals and management style as the situation demands for the success of the change project. Tolerance and appreciation of ambiguity enable the process of change to function comfortably and effectively in an uncertain environment. Leadership goal for career growth will be educational advancement for low performing workers to enhance their productivity. These workers will be trained using organization funds in relevant nursing areas where they exhibit weaknesses.


Review and rating of nurse managers is essential in enhancing professional competency.  A nurse manager is expected to possess essential management skills in order to be successful in their career. Dynamic nature of the environment calls for frequent changes in the organization and this requires a leader with appropriate skills to bring about changes in the organization. Career growth activities are essential in improving the productivity of workers in nursing.



June, Kaminski. “Leadership and Change Management: Navigating the Turbulent Frontier”. 2011. Web.  24 September 2012.

Nurse Manager Leadership Collaborative, NMLC. “Methodology of How to Use the Inventory Tool”.  2004. Web.  24 September 2012.

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