
FBI’s Role In Domestic Counterterrorism

The Federal Bureau of investigations (FBI) is tasked mainly with domestic counterterrorism. Their central role involves gathering of evidence as well as questioning of the suspects so that criminal prosecution is considered an option. The FBI’s counterterrorism mandate against terrorist organizations involved intelligence as well as criminal issues.  Their main functions however, are divided into several key areas upon which they streamline their core business. These areas are intelligence collection, strategic analysis, knowledge management and terrorists’ financial investigations (McGarrell, et al., 2007).

Intelligence Collection

As far as intelligence is concerned, they identify important facts to be collected; they also look at the possible gaps in doing this so that they may use that in their security survey. They also ensure they put important efforts in meeting these requirements as well as validation of report sources to create an authentic surveillance of security of measures.

Strategic Analysis

In strategic analysis they look at the possible individual’s operative measures and their possible trends in terrorist activities. This is important for them to carry out an assessment of terror attacks analysis with respect to prone countries like the United States of America (O’Hanlon 2002).

Knowledge Management

Knowledge management is a key aspect in their responsibilities for law enforcement. They are tasked with capturing relevant information regarding matters related to terrorism. This information should be shared in a good way to enable it still pursue its mission as well as keeping the nation at high alert over  security measures. This information is particularly important to other state and local law enforcement agencies who also help the body gather relevant information in terrorist matters. They are also involved in creation of investigative record to enable effective knowledge sharing, this is important for easy retrieval and dissemination as well (O’Hanlon 2002).

Terrorist Financial Investigations

Finally, investigation of institutions financing terrorist activities is done based on intelligence approach; they identify key institutions that propagate terrorism as far as financial aid is concerned. The functions and missions of terrorist screening centre are to identify the watch list of terrorists or those suspected of terror attacks (Bodrero 2002). This is a consolidated databank of people involved in organizing and executing terror attacks. Probably the umbrella is the most effective because it ensures proper screening of individuals trying to gain false entry or obtaining visas into the US for the sole purpose of terror execution (McGarrell, et al., 2007).



Bodrero, D. (2002). “Law enforcement’s new challenge to investigate, interdict, and prevent terrorism.” The Police Chief (February): vol. 2 pp. 41-48.

McGarrell, E., Freilich, J. & Chermak, S. (2007). “Intelligence-led policing as a framework for responding to terrorism.” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 23(2): pp. 142-58

O’Hanlon, M. (Ed.) (2002). Protecting the American homeland. Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution.